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This Week in Inbound Marketing: How Top Brands Are Using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

September 21, 2015

By Lexie Carbone

Welcome to our weekly edition of SmartBug Media's inbound marketing round up. In order to help you stay as up to date as possible on inbound marketing trends, HubSpot updates, and more, here are a few of our favorite news items:

New & Noteworthy

Facebook Introduces Signal for Facebook and Instagram

Signal for Facebook and Instagram is “a free discovery and curation tool for journalists who want to source, gather, and embed newsworthy content from Facebook and Instagram, across news, culture, entertainment, sports and more–all in one place.” Read More

Facebook Updates Ad Viewability and Reporting

Facebook introduced “a new ad-buying feature that lets advertisers purchase 100% in-view impressions” and “a new partnership with ad analytics company Moat, which will independently measure Facebook video ads.” Read More

Klout Introduces YouTube Scoring

“Adding YouTube signals to the Klout score will allow users to have a more well-rounded social profile by getting a more accurate view of their social footprint, as well as more insight into topical expertise.” Read More

Google Primer App

 This new app from Google offers a fast, easy way to learn new marketing skills in bite-sized lessons. Read More


This new Facebook tool from BuzzSumo analyzes what content performs best on any Facebook page. Read More

Helpful Tips to Grow Your Inbound Marketing

How to Research Buyer Personas Without Ever Talking to Them

Buyer personas are an essential part of a successful inbound marketing strategy because they define precisely whom you’re trying to reach. Who is the ideal visitor your website pages and blog content should attract? Your buyer persona. Read More

How To Encourage a Culture of Content Within Your Organization

Let’s cut straight to the chase: when it comes to inbound marketing, content is a big deal. While content isn’t your entire inbound strategy in itself, it is the fuel that strategy runs on. Great content is what you optimize to attract the right traffic to your site, and what entices visitors to submit forms to download. It’s what you share via social media and include links to in your emails and lead nurturing campaigns. Without content, your website – and the Internet as a whole – would be empty. Read More

Introducing: Recent Hubspot CRM Updates

When HubSpot released its free CRM at last year’s INBOUND14 conference, it came with limited features but the promise of rapid development and improvements to make it the best, most easy-to-use CRM out there. Read More

Where Does Bloggnig Fit Into Your Content Marketing Strategy?

If you're in marketing, you know two of the largest buzzwords in recent years are "content marketing" and "blogging." But how do you develop a content marketing strategy and where does blogging fit into that plan? Read More

Hubspot Update: New Features for the Sidekick Sales Tool

Sidekick, HubSpot's standalone tool for sales professionals, lets users gain intelligence about emails sent to prospects. Users can see who opens their emails, when emails get opened and how many times the recipient has opened. It integrates with HubSpot, Salesforce, Google Chrome, Outlook, and Gmail. Read More

6 Content Marketing Rules to Live By

Content is the meat and potatoes of an inbound marketing strategy. While content marketing and inbound marketing sound very similar in definition, content marketing is actually a subset of inbound marketing. According to marketing platform, Hubspot, content marketing is a marketing program that centers on creating, publishing, and distributing content for your target audience to attract new customers. Read More

The Latest Marketing Reports 

How Top Brands Are Using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Forrester recently reviewed how the top 50 global brands market on social networks. The study evaluated 11.8 million user interactions on 2,489 posts made by 249 branded profiles. This reports shows how top brands use each social network, how many fans they’ve collected, how often they post and how often users interact with their posts.

Report: What Erodes Trust in Digital Brands?

According to a recent report from Neustar and the Ponemon Institute, consumers say content errors, inaccuracies and website unavailability are the top issues that make them distrust a company’s website. Five other factors that lead to mistrust are: authentication that appears too easy (75% of respondents do not trust), long load times (67%), previous data breaches (63%), a lack of security safeguards (55%) and a reliance on only passwords for identification (31%). Read More

What's New in Hubspot

Hubspot Announces Sales & Marketing Platform Updates at #INBOUND15

This week, more than 13,000 people flew out to Boston for the annual INBOUND event -- a week of inbound talks, entertainment and exciting announcements. Yesterday, on stage at INBOUND15, Dharmesh Shah, Founder and CTO of Hubspot, announced a new collection of Hubspot features and marketing tools that will make things easier for marketers and customers alike. Read More

What other news have you read recently? Let us know by tweeting us at @smartbugmedia.


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Topics: Inbound Marketing, Twitter, Branding, Social Media Marketing, Facebook, Instagram