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The Ultimate Investor Pitch Deck Blueprint

CMO Showcase: Learn How to Turn Your Marketing Dashboard into a Revenue-Generating Machine

February 15, 2024

By Courtney Fraas

When you’re pulling together an investor pitch deck, there’s a lot running through your mind. You need to scale. You need to impress a room or a Zoom call of strangers. You need to make yourself, your data, and your pitch look great.

We have good news: This is less a “good luck” situation and more a science. With the right beats, data, prep, and practice, your investor pitch deck can do the heavy lifting for you. 

Even better news? Here’s the precise startup pitch deck template you need to source the right investors

Start Here: Get Inside Your Ideal Investor’s Mindset

Let’s take a moment to sit on the other side of the table. What do venture capitalists (VCs) and private equity (PE) investors look for in a good pitch? Investors primarily look for: 

  • A strong management team ready to execute the business plan effectively
  • Clear, persuasive articulation of a unique sales proposition
  • A demonstration of customer demand
  • A deep understanding of the target market and the total addressable market
  • An efficient strategy to reach and serve this market​​
  • Realistic financial projections, including details about revenue, expenses, and key growth milestones​​

Your investor pitch deck is an invaluable tool to help you speak to that mindset (and keep you on point during stressful pitch presentations). You can use it to…

...deliver your value proposition

...state your funding requirements

...and demonstrate how your team’s collective expertise. 

As a result, you’ll be miles ahead of the game.


PE Webinar: Crafting impactful metrics


Follow This Model—Include These Sections in Your Investor Pitch Deck 

Creating successful pitch decks involves striking a balance between comprehensive information and concise presentation. 

That’s a big ask. This checklist (and general ordering of information!) should help: 

  1. Company snapshot: Start with a brief overview of your company. Include your location, key leadership figures, and the industry you're operating in. 
  2. Acceleration: Highlight any rapid growth or scaling your company has achieved, including relevant milestones or recent achievements.  
  3. Total addressable market and positioning: Outline the size and growth rate of the market you're targeting. Explain your company's position within this market, and demonstrate how you can capture a significant market share.
  4. Product or service: Provide a clear explanation of your offering, focusing on how it addresses a specific problem. If possible, include a demo or explanation of your intellectual property to showcase its uniqueness.
  5. Business model structure: Describe your business model, whether it's product-led growth, enterprise sales, or corporate sales. 
  6. Marketing and sales plan: Lay out your strategy for attracting and retaining customers. This should include both your current marketing activities and plans to scale these efforts in the future.
  7. Metrics: Present historical data and projected metrics for the next five years. This can include sales figures, customer growth rates, and or other KPIs demonstrating your business’s health and potential.
  8. Financials: Offer a detailed view of your financial situation, including revenue, expenses, and profitability. 
  9. Future: Project your company's growth trajectory. Explain exactly how you plan to achieve significant goals, such as reaching milestones in annual recurring revenue.

At the end, clearly state how you intend to use the funds you're raising. Outline the runway these funds will provide and how they will help in achieving your short- and long-term goals.

Your Guide to Creating a Data-Driven Investor Pitch Deck

You’ve crafted an overarching story. You’ve discussed strategy with your team. You’ve dug into the mindsets of your target investors. 

Now, it’s time. Let’s fuse compelling data and key tenets of great presenting to pull together a pitch deck that will work hard for you! 

1. Set your data up to shine. 

Facts and figures will go a long way toward illustrating your goals, but you need to frame them correctly. Choose appropriate charts and graphs that best represent your data and make it easy to understand

2. Use data to demonstrate growth potential. 

Your hard data can play a strategic supporting role by assuring investors of your stability—and their likely ROI. 

This demonstration may include sharing: 

  • 1-, 3-, and 5-year revenue and profitability forecasts
  • Customer churn rates
  • Customer signups
  • Customer acquisition costs
  • Break-even points
  • MRR growth
  • Your compound annual growth rate
  • Your sales numbers

3. Stay out of the weeds! 

Avoid cluttering your visuals with too much information or unnecessary details, and use language that is easy to understand. Challenge yourself to ditch all technical jargon, if possible. 

Avoid Common Pitching Mistakes with Your Investor Pitch Deck

Using storytelling tactics and these stellar data visualization techniques can get you far: 

Illustrate your financial and market acumen. 

Why are you (and your projects) worth backing, specifically? Use your deck to demonstrate your deep understanding of market trends and financials. You can add a slide that demonstrates how your plans match with industry trends, competition, and customer actions.

Don’t overvalue or under-estimate.

Over- or undervaluing your business can turn off investors because it shows a lack of market understanding. Use realistic financial projections based on solid market research. Unrealistic high projections could come across as naive. Too-low projections might signal a lack of confidence or market awareness.

Always. Be. Clear. (And concise, if possible.) 

Ensure that every slide in your pitch deck adds new information or builds on previous info. Avoid filler content that doesn't serve a clear purpose. Your pitch should convey the necessary information in the shortest time possible to keep investors' attention.

What About Networking and Building Relationships? 

After the Zoom call ends or you head out of the meeting room, what happens next? 

A successful pitch doesn’t end with the last slide of the investor pitch deck. Building relationships with investors beyond fundraising can create momentum and long-term success for your business. 

Engaging with the VC and Investing Community: A Quickstart Guide

Focus on these easy-to-implement habits to network successfully:

  • Go to investment seminars and events to meet new investors and stay connected with your current contacts. 
  • Build a friendly and noticeable online image to stay in the minds of your investors on social media.
  • Stay up to date on industry trends to demonstrate your commitment to your field. Bonus points if you pepper your LinkedIn presence with thoughtful, clever additions to industry conversations!

Following Up and Building Strong Connections with Potential Investors

In addition to general social networking, it’s a good idea to invest in personal relationships, too. This can sound daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Consider: 

  • Sending an informal follow-up after the pitch meeting 
  • Inviting your investors to relevant events or sharing updates about your company’s progress
  • Using AI to customize follow-up emails for investors with industry insights or opportunities that may interest them.

Remember, even though this is a high-stakes connection, it’s still a human relationship! Treat your prospective investors with curiosity, empathy, and respect, and they’ll take notice. 

Preparing to Deliver a Next-Level Investor Pitch Deck? 

With a great pitch deck and personalized follow-up, you'll establish a beneficial connection with investors. Apply these strategies during your next pitch for a winning combination of data-driven insights and personal connections. 

Ready to elevate your pitch even further? Grab our RevOps playbook template now.


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