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Our Favorite Campaign Template Reports in Databox

August 2, 2021

By Chelsey Clayton

Campaigns are the bread and butter of every successful inbound marketer’s strategy, but they mean nothing if you can’t report on metrics from them. Marketing reports often involve sharing updates on key performance indicators (KPIs), goal progress, next steps, and priority adjustments.

The downside is that these reports, while absolutely necessary, can take hours and sometimes days to compile from all the different sources you manage your campaigns on. Pulling data from web analytics, SEO rankings, blog traffic, marketing campaigns, email sends, and more can take out valuable time that, as a marketer, you could spend optimizing other pieces of strategy.

Fortunately, with the uptick in automated reporting technology, these hours and days can be whittled down to mere minutes. One of our favorite platforms that helps to streamline these campaign reporting tasks is Databox. (Bonus: The basic edition is free!)

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How Databox Works

Databox is a dashboard tool that provides visualizations of your goals and KPIs. Here at SmartBug®, many of our clients are HubSpot users, and as such they have access to great built-in HubSpot reporting tools. When we need to dig a little deeper though, we often turn to Databox and their one-click integrations with 70+ applications.

With drag-and-drop capabilities and customizable report viewing with multiple data visualizations, Databox excels when working with advanced data. With so many included integrations, it eliminates the need for coding knowledge. The reports you build update automatically, so sharing reports with people on your team, upper management, and clients is always guaranteed to be real-time data.

Databox has a lot of campaign reports to choose from right out of the box, but I thought I’d highlight some of my favorites that I use on a regular rotation.

Databox Campaign Report 1: HubSpot Marketing Template

The ultimate goal of any website is to generate leads. It’s important to have an understanding of which channels on the website are scalable, and which channels have been responsible for your lead count so far.

The HubSpot Marketing Report dashboard can also help answer various questions like:

  • Where are your visitors coming from?
  • Which sources are and aren’t converting visitors to leads?
  • Which channels have the most untapped potential?
  • And more

Databox Campaign Report 2: Google Analytics Template

Google’s suite of tools is robust and Analytics is no exception, but their reporting is sometimes tricky to dig through. Databox has a prebuilt report that gives a big-picture view of acquisition and behavioral metrics of the site.

The reports provide insights on users, session times, channel visits, top pages, and more, all combined into one easy-to-read dashboard.

Databox Campaign Report 3: SEO Template

SEO can be complicated even on your best days. Compiling together data from platforms like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other paid tools like SEMrush or Moz can be tedious.

With Databox, you can easily integrate and report in one seamless, robust report analyzing your website performance. It provides insight into:

  • Technical issues
  • Pageview rankings
  • Domain authority
  • Organic search rankings
  • And much more

Databox Campaign Report 4: Social Media Template

Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms all have their own reporting platforms, but with segmented reports and no consistent metrics, a full picture of what your company’s social media is doing for you is hard to achieve. Databox lets you connect all your accounts and consolidates reports from each platform, providing a full view of your social influence. It’s a helpful guide illustrating where focus is performing, what can be improved, and where extra pushes should go.

Social media also isn’t just about followers, though that’s often the most-reported metric. Listening metrics are equally, if not more important, and allow you to dig deeper into what people are saying about your brand and measure the overall sentiments of these conversations. In addition to these, you can also report on:

  • Competitor metrics
  • Overall engagement
  • Branding metrics
  • Timing success metrics

While you’re analyzing your data in a new streamlined way, consider what information the reports are presenting. SmartBug Media recently measured the impact of RevOps on budget, strategy, collaboration, and integrations, and to sum it up, technology and processes are propelling revenue teams toward critical operational efficiency. To see what other tactics you can propel to efficiency beyond your reporting, download your copy of Where RevOps & Inbound Collide in 2021.


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Topics: Analytics, Inbound Marketing, Marketing Strategy