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How to Differentiate Your VOIP Services from the Pack

April 30, 2015

By Tony Adragna

If you do a quick Google search on 'VOIP services' over 49 million results turn up. There are countless companies that offer VOIP services, so how do you differentiate your VOIP services from the rest of the pack? This blog post will highlight some marketing techniques that can help your VOIP company be successful.

What Are Potential Customers Searching For?

This is a question you should ask yourself. When potential customers are looking for VOIP services, what keywords are they typing into Google to try and find the best VOIP provider? There are several tools available that will help you find keywords that return high search volume. Finding keywords relating to the VOIP industry with high search volume is a good place to start when you want to set yourself from the pack.

Turn Your Keywords Into Content

After you find several keywords that relate to VOIP services, it's time to start producing content. In your keyword research, we mentioned that you want to find keywords that return a high search volume, but it's also good to find keywords that don't have a high difficulty. What this means is that you want to find keywords that you can rank in Google for fairly easily. We look at keywords that have high search volume and low difficulty as 'low-hanging fruit.'


Once you have the keywords that you want to target, it's a good idea to create blog titles with the keywords in your title. Craft blog posts that communicate your message clearly, use heading tags that Google can see, and always put a call-to-action at the bottom of each post. You want your potential customers to take some sort of action when they are done reading your blog

Ebooks/White Papers

Writing ebooks and white papers follow the same premise as blog posts. You want your titles to use keywords you want to target, and you want to offer something of value to your potential customers. For example, you may want to write an ebook on the cost savings of switching from a landline to a VOIP service.

Don't just offer up your ebook or white paper for download. Create a landing page for your ebook and make sure potential customers fill out a form in exchange for a download of your premium content. You're still giving away your ebook/white paper for free, but you are receiving a potential customers' contact information in exchange for that, thus, becoming a lead.

Social Media

Another way to differentiate yourself from other VOIP services is by creating a unique voice on social media. Be sure to share your content, but also other content relevant to your industry on your social profiles. Answer questions that potential customers may have, and engage your brand in conversations with your audience. The more you can 'humanize' your brand on social media, the more comfortable potential customers may feel with your brand, as well. Be sure to find relevant hashtags that potential customers may be using and engage your brand in those conversations, too. 

Lead Nurturing

Another way you can set your VOIP company from the rest of the pack is the manner in which you nurture your leads. Some leads may download your content, but may not be ready to buy your service just yet. You can nurture that lead by sending them emails offering helpful resources (perhaps other blog posts or ebooks), demo requests, or other tactics to help nurture them down the sales funnel.

With the growing number of VOIP service companies available, your company has to invest the time to implement tactics to help differentiate yourself from the pack. 

Which of these tactics is your VOIP Services company planning on implementing first to help differneitiate yourselves?



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