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How to Blog Effectively and Prolifically

How to Blog Effectively and Prolifically

January 16, 2015

By Matt Farber


Are you struggling to write a blog post? What about writing blogs effectively and prolifically?  Blogging is arguably the single most important factor in the inbound marketing model.  It attracts new visitors to your website, increases keyword rank with SEO optimization, and gives you an opportunity to set yourself apart from your competition.  When it comes to actually sitting down and writing a series of blogs, how can you do so to build a content library so large you won’t be able to publish enough to keep up with the writing?  Let’s highlight some tips and tricks to build up your library.

Blog Title Creation

There are many ways you can develop blog titles.  One of the easiest is by completing a simple Google search. Search for what you’re wanting to blog about and see if there are existing posts out there you could use and simply tweak the title.  You should never copy and paste the same article because it could negatively affect your SEO (search engine optimization), but there’s no harm in borrowing a blog titles, reworking it a bit to shape the story you’re trying to tell.

Keyword Research

Blogs are great! We’re all aware of this, but they are best when titles are optimized for SEO.  Do some initial keyword research and find some keywords relative to your business with some search volume.  If I had a company that produced and sold hand-made scarves, targeting the word “scarves” may not be the best option as there is way too much competition for that keyword. But targeting a keyword like “hand made scarves for summer” could be just the right keyword to target in the summer season.  Here are a couple blog ideas featuring that keyword:

  • The 5 Hottest Trending Hand Made Scarves for Summer

  • 11 Hand Made Scarves for Summer You Need to Know

  • A Quick Guide To Buying Hand Made Scarves for Summer

HubSpot has a great tool that can help develop blog titles if you have keyword ready to go.  You can find the tool here.  This can help expedite the process of coming up with topics to write about.  Once a handful have been developed, it’s on to the best part.

Time to Start Writing

Now comes the fun part, writing the actual blog post. Trust me when I say the more you write, the easier it becomes. It’s common for people to have a fear of writing, but trusting in what you know and putting it on paper only validates your knowledge and presents an opportunity to grow as a subject matter expert. Some tips for writing blogs quickly so that you can accomplish more:

  • Set a two-hour time limit
  • Break up the time limit into three parts: (1)15 minutes for the planning; (2) 1 hour writing; (3) 45 minutes of editing and optimizing
  • Don't be a perfectionist. Your information should be correct, but you're not trying to write a pulitzer prize novel.

Which part of blogging gives you the most fear?  Title development?  SEO optimization? Writing the post? Let us know by tweeting at us at @smartbugmedia.

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Topics: Inbound Marketing, Blogging