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10 Things Every HubSpot CMS Hub Website Refresh Needs

March 17, 2015

By Amber Kemmis

website refresh planning

You’ve decided to redesign your website on the HubSpot CMS Hub but that’s all you’ve decided. How can you be sure your covering all the necessities of a lead generating website?

To help you narrow what is needed, here are 10 things you’ll want to include in your website refresh:

1. Benchmarks

In order to determine the effectiveness of a newly redesigned website regardless of the platform utilized, you need to create benchmarks upfront. Before your new redesign goes live, benchmark the following website metrics:

  • Total average website visitors per month

  • Segment traffic by each channel including organic search, direct, social media, referrals, email, paid, and any other channels that bring  in traffic

  • Average visitor-to-lead conversion rate

  • Total visits for individual pages, which will tell you what content is most important to include on your new website design

  • Ranked keywords to ensure you don’t lose out on organic traffic

  • Overall SEO performance to benchmark where you can improve

  • Total number of inbound linking domains

  • Total pages indexed

2. Buyer Personas 

If your company hasn’t developed buyer personas yet, before a redesign is the perfect time.  A buyer persona helps you strategically market according to the way your buyers think and act. Who your buyer personas are and how they move through the buyer’s journey are extremely important in redesign because they dictate the content, navigation, conversion paths, and features your redesign should have.

3. Goals

Once you have benchmarked your current site and developed buyer personas, you can establish goals for your new site on the HubSpot CMS Hub. As you likely know, hosting your website on the CMS will make it easy for you to track these goals.

4. Content Offer Inventory

Content is king. You know this, but how much content do you have and how well does it align to your buyer personas and their journey? Conducting a complete content inventory will provide insight into the current content gaps you have and help you to ensure you have the content offers you need to grow sales when launch comes around.

smartbug_media_website_refresh_example.png5. Innovative CTAs

If you’ve recently hosted your website on the HubSpot CMS, you know that the capabilities for call-to-actions (CTAs) were limited. Typically, they had to be placed in the sidebar or be oddly placed in a content module. With the right design team and the HubSpot CMS Hub, though, you can include CTAs that blend well with the rest of the content and can be strategically placed.

Example on the right from our wesbite...

6. Smart Content

A step beyond well-placed CTAs is Smart content. On the HubSpot CMS Hub, you have the capability to customize CTAs based on the website visitor’s behavior and demographics. You can even add personalization to dynamic content like adding the contact’s first name to the homepage. Smart content will allow you to offer the right content for the visitor’s stage in the funnel and accelerate the sales cycle.

7. SEO Strategy

Although many marketers know SEO is important in driving traffic and increasing conversions from their target audience, it is not uncommon for SEO to take the backseat in a redesign. Since everything from each website page’s copy to the headlines and images should incorporate keywords that resonate with your target audience, SEO best practices should be thought about early in the process.

8. Content Offers & Conversion Paths

Although you may have identified several content offers when conducting a content audit, do these offers utilize an effective conversion path that includes a call-to-action, landing page, form, and an automated follow-up email? By creating conversion paths for your offers when redesigning on the HubSpot CMS Hub, you can help to increase your website’s conversions. If you discovered during your content audit that you are missing content that will help convert website visitors into leads and customers, make sure to begin production so that your new website will also include lead generation content. You can also repurpose what you already have if you have limited resources to start from scratch.

9. Easily Manageable Resource Center

As you grow your library of content, you’ll want to have a way to streamline the publishing of this content. An easily manageable resource center(by the way, a resource center is necessity in redesign because it will help visitors easily find conversion opportunities) will help to make the workflow for publishing content more efficient, which means you’ll have more time for content creation.

10. A Skilled Agency

Depending on the scope of your current website, industry and buyer personas, you may need to include more or less than the above suggestions. A skilled agency will know what your website needs to help grow leads and customers. 

If you would like to learn more about the things your website redesign on the HubSpot CMS Hub should include, contact the team at SmartBug Media.


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Topics: Web Development, Usability, HubSpot COS, User Experience