American Discovery Capital
Highlighting Deep Experience and Relationship-First Merchant Banking

American Discovery Capital (ADC) is an independent merchant banking firm that provides advisory services and growth capital to leading founder-led and family-run companies.
Like its customers, ADC consists of entrepreneurs, making the firm empathetic, constructive, and relationship-oriented when it comes to understanding the needs and growing pains of founder-run businesses. They approached SmartBug Media® to create a custom website that better articulated ADC’s core values and to show potential customers how a family-oriented approach sets ADC apart from other merchant banking firms.
Now with a clean, concise, custom website, potential customers can easily understand who ADC is and verify that it’s the right choice for both private equity and investment banking.

Custom, Easy-to-Use Design
SmartBug designers and developers created a custom design that hit the right professional yet approachable style the client was looking for.

Descriptive, Helpful Copy
As a family-run firm, ADC wanted all of its messaging to reflect its unique, personal approach while also reassuring the audience about its deep experience and highlighting its core values.

Unique Success Stories Features
Showing potential clients ADC success stories was crucial—but with so many to choose from, it was a challenge to whittle down the stories while finding the best way to feature them. Our team used different carousels to feature the most important information for both investment banking and private equity services.