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Widening the Reach of a Portfolio Management Software Solution

Changepoint website on desktop
Changepoint website on tablet
Changepoint website on mobile


Changepoint is a project portfolio management software solution built to drive strategic business outcomes. Its solution opens up real-time visibility across enterprise resources, project capacity, and technology. Changepoint needed a site that would widen the scope for prospects. Its previous site was all about buyers at the bottom of the funnel, but it needed to broaden its base by connecting with prospects at every stage. Our team answered with a site that’s easy to find, seamless to navigate, and that tells the compelling story of Changepoint’s brand. 

Changepoint homepage on desktop Changepoint homepage on mobile

Telling the Whole Story

We used the site’s homepage to craft a fresh narrative. It explains how Changepoint’s whole product ecosystem solves customer pain points.

Changepoint website UX

Architecting Seamless UX

The new design connects users to content they want. Main navigation is stocked with shortcuts to send users where they need to go—quickly and easily.

Changepoint microsites

More Detail with Microsites

Each product page featured its own navigation bar to show how products flow together and fit into a larger picture.

Changepoint search tool on desktop Changepoint search tool on mobile

Searching Made Simple

Because Changepoint offers a dynamic range of value for different prospects, we built an advanced search tool. It gives visitors instant solutions.

Changepoint revamped logo
Changepoint color palette

A Fresh New Look

We revamped the Changepoint logo without sacrificing traditional concepts. By adding a secondary palette, we gave the logo a crisp, vibrant feel.