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Top 3 B2B Content Marketing Strategies

Free Guide: Mapping Content for Different Buyer Personas

May 8, 2023

By Kiara Carniewski

B2B content marketing should be an essential focus to connect with your customers. The goal is to create content to solve a prospect’s potential problem or to educate or inspire them so your brand is top of mind when they choose a solution or product.

This blog article will explore three B2B content marketing strategies your business must prioritize for business success.

1. Don’t overlook video in your strategy.

According to a forecast from HubSpot, short-form video has the highest ROI and will see the most growth in 2023. Plus, 90 percent of marketers using short-form videos will increase their budget thanks to its success. One of the main perks of using video for B2B marketing content is versatility—not to mention that businesses no longer need to spend thousands of dollars on high-end equipment to make effective, engaging content for their customers. 

Whether you create videos for social media or upload natively to YouTube, video should be a top strategy to incorporate into your content marketing plan. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when generating video content:

  • Does it solve a problem or answer a question?
  • Is it relatable, funny, or engaging?
  • Can you get the message across in a minute?

Remember: Video content is crucial in any industry, so get out there with punchy, captioned videos to gain attention for your brand.


2. Remember blogging—an oldie but a goodie!

It’s easy to overlook the importance of blogging, especially with videos and podcasts taking center stage over the last few years. But blogging should remain a top B2B content marketing strategy when creating mid- to long-form content.

Businesses don’t want to forget blogging because it’s easily accessible with a low barrier to entry for prospective customers. Plus, you can cast a wide net with non-branded keywords for blogging, and your brand may see significant results for organic traffic. Ninety-one percent of B2B businesses have a blog, showing that its popularity doesn’t come without reason.

Of course, you don’t want to throw together any old content and call it a blog. Instead, you’ll want to build a content calendar focused on specific keywords that are relevant to your target audiences. You’ll want to publish a mix of blog articles such as content roundups, problem-solving content, and thought leadership. The more variety you include in your B2B marketing content, the better.


3. Use influencers for B2B content marketing.

It’s no secret that consumers depend on recommendations from influencers to determine the products they want to purchase. In fact, about 25 percent of marketers are leveraging influencer marketing, and it offers the second-highest ROI of any trend.

If you think influencer marketing is only for B2C businesses, think again. There are many ways your business can partner with influencers or experts to show your industry expertise and humanize your brand beyond the solution you offer.

Think about guest blogging opportunities or collaborating on an exclusive piece of gated content such as a white paper, case study, or webinar. Not only will this boost your brand’s reputation in the industry, but it also increases your domain authority. When you can kill two birds with one stone in B2B content marketing—do it! 

If this is new territory for your business, look no further than possible connections on LinkedIn. Consider individuals where there will be a beneficial partnership for both businesses.

B2B content marketing begins with your customers!

While it’s great to dabble in a variety of content marketing strategies, it’s helpful to know which strategies will produce high ROI to get started. Once you have an idea of the core content that supports your customers, you can add other variations to diversify your mix further. 

Remember, content marketing must be a long game. You can’t expect to see results overnight. With enough planning, research, and dedication, your business will be on its way to maximizing brand awareness and turning first-time site visitors into adoring customers.


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Topics: Content Marketing, Marketing Strategy