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Supercharge Your Pipeline

7 Effective Ways To Leverage Your Thank You Page

December 17, 2012

By Jacqueline Feldman

leverage thank you pageWhen it comes to content marketing the thank you page is often an afterthought. What savvy marketers need to know is that the thank you page isn’t the end of an interaction with your visitors.  In fact, the thank you page is a very valuable asset that should be leveraged to continue the conversation with your leads and get them to take further actions.

Here are some best practices you can implement to start getting better results from your thank you pages. 

1. Thank Your Leads
A simple thank you goes a long way.  One of the primary reasons the thank you page exists is so that you can continue to nurture the leads you have converted.  Make sure to express your thanks, but be concise and be sure the language you’re using is consistent with copy used on other parts of your website and landing pages. Does your landing page feature an offer, like a free e-book? If so, make sure your thank you page includes that offer so you’re delivering on your incentives.

2. Set Expectations For Your Visitors
What you absolutely don’t want is for you’re visitor to be thinking, “so I’ve given them my email address and now what?” Make sure your thank you page lets your leads know exactly what they can expect from you next.  Should they expect a phone call in the next 24 hours to set up an evaluation, or an email with a link to download your white paper Whatever it is, make sure they’re not left guessing what your next move might be.

3. Encourage Leads To Follow You on Social Media 
You always want to continue the conversation with your leads.  An effective way to do this is by using clear calls-to-action like “Subscribe to our Blog,”  “Follow us on Twitter,” or “Connect with Us on Facebook.” Social media follow buttons can be easily included on your thank you page as well. Asking your leads to follow you on social media expands your marketing reach, and will also allow you to reconvert those leads in the future, as they will be exposed to your updates that feature new content and offers.

4. Bring Them Back to Your Site
When it comes to landing pages, there shouldn’t be any navigation options, because it distracts visitors from completing your form. That rule doesn’t apply to the thank you page. Since the thank you page is where people end up after accepting your offer, so you have little to lose by giving them navigation choices at that point.  Include simple navigation to make it easy for your visitors to go back to your site and explore other offers that might be of interest to them. 

5. Offer Other Relevant Resources
Use your thank you page to offer other relevant resources like webinars, white papers or e-books to keep your visitor invested in your company. 

6. Ask Them to Share Your Offer
Use the thank you page to ask your visitors to share your offer with their friends. Give them a simple to share link that leads others back to the landing page for the offer, and always include social sharing buttons to make spreading the love easy for you leads. Keep in mind that social sharing helps with your search engine optimization efforts too. 

7. Add Another Call to Action
The idea being that if you add another form on the landing page to the next logical step in the sales process, you can accelerate sales and help get more qualified leads to your sales team.

Keep in mind that your visitors got to your thank you page because they’re already interested in your company and offerings.  Use these best practices to optimize your thank you page to further deepen the relationship you’ve already established with your leads.

Do you have other thank you page best practices you’d like to share? We’d love to hear them!


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Topics: Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Landing Pages, Social Media Marketing, Lead Conversion