Local SEO and Your Senior Living Business

Did you know that 46 percent of all Google searches seek local information? Local SEO is a critical component of a solid overall digital strategy for your senior care business. Employing all or even just some of the tactics outlined in this e-book will help ensure that your company is optimized to show up in local search results.
Whether your senior living business exists in a single location or has locations across the nation, it’s important to consider local SEO when planning your digital marketing efforts. By marketing your organization locally, you can improve brand exposure and drive higher quality traffic to your website, which can ultimately provide you with more opportunities to secure move-ins.
In this e-book, you’ll learn:
- The difference between general SEO and local SEO
- How to improve your brand exposure with an integrated marketing approach
- How to optimize your business to drive higher-quality traffic from nearby
- How online and offline marketing can expand your local search visibility

A fully integrated marketing approach will help optimize and enhance your company for local SEO, but it takes time to build. Start by using tools like SEMrush and Google Analytics to learn if and how people are finding your business online. After you’ve run an audit of your local SEO efforts, map out additional ways to improve brand exposure and drive traffic to your website through the strategies in this e-book.
By following the SEO tips and strategies in this e-book, you’ll be able to create:
An integrated marketing approach to optimize your senior community for local SEO.
Online strategies to boost your organization’s local SEO efforts.
Offline strategies to help customers find your senior care services.
Ready to start driving more qualified traffic to your site through local SEO?
Just fill out the form below and get your own copy!